How distinctly aware are you of a “disconnect” in your approach to relationship building with potential clients? If your instincts do not kick in and make you aware of this, you have missed the “short window” of opportunity from the very outset. Disconnects are extremely important in relationship building, especially with respect to entrepreneurs. Once you have mastered the art of identifying the “disconnects” and how they surface, there is a chance for continued dialogue. Facial expressions, hand gestures, voice tone, and eye movement are all part of the “short window” to the possibility of an opportunity.
What self-confidence do you exhibit (not cocky), that an individual would want to stand and converse with you beyond a glance? The very tone of your “hello or how are you” will be the deciding factor. It makes the difference if someone has started off the day on a negative or positive. If it was started on a negative, then just your first words have the ability to make or break a situation. A key factor is how well you read body language and a person’s mannerisms.
Have you ever wondered why some people get the attention of others and hold it? What is it that makes an individual who never uttered a word in a gathering of people command the very presence around to gravitate towards him or her and then just as easy their worlds connect? Most people think it is the physical appearance of beauty that is initially the defining factor. What would you say is a primary factor? First, you have to know you--and YOU must be a genuine sell. There are many factors why individuals do not know who they are, often times because unknowingly, the persona of others becomes them.
ANSWER THIS QUESTION. When you were not trying to engage in entrepreneurship, what was it that people liked or disliked about you? Why did some gravitate to you and others didn’t? You have to be honest.
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